Monday, September 27, 2010

Good Afternoon Fellow Citizens,

Good afternoon  fellow citizens,   
         A lot has happened in our city since our city hall was filled (and overflowing) because of a headline we all read in the Lakeland Ledger.  That headline read: 
                                         Polk City Residents to Get
                                          $300 Sewer Assessment
       Do you remember that?   I do.   The date of that paper was Jan. 8, 2009, & citizens came forward.  Do you remember the little lady who came marching up the aisle during that meeting  to announce that people were outside & they also should be able to hear all that was happening?   I do & I was just as exuberant as everyone else at the nerve that she displayed.   She was right & we were noisy in our response to her appearance.  We were noisy ...but we weren't angry.    
      Later on, as citizens gained more information concerning the activities of the city gov't., we citizens began to distrust the leadership of the city gov't. more than ever.   Then we were told that somebody had been banned from entering the city hall....Threats we were told.    What?!  
That was news to me & my neighbors.    We were busy working to rally up support against the proposed waste water treatment plant; calling the county commissioner; calling our state representatives; reading the law; physically meeting with the people at the Department of Environmental Protection....Nobody we knew...making threats.  
     Well, now we are in a different mode & new leadership has come to the forefront.  New leaders both in the city gov't. and new leaders who represent citizens who want Polk City to be unincorporated. The new leaders that have come forward  have more in common than not. These are individuals who sincerely believe in the effort they have assumed. These citizens are leaders, willing to make decisions and work toward the goal they believe is best.  They exhibit intelligence, perseverance & thoughtfulness, every last one of them.
The last thing we fellow citizens need here in Polk City is any evidence of hate-filled language.   No Deal.
I personally believe that what is Best for Polk City will be the final outcome.  
I believe that because of Faith in our Creator.   
Linda Fuller


  1. Great letter Ms.Fuller,
    I agree we are entitle to different opinions. We need to respect each others opinions without disrespecting each other. That is the beauty of our country U.S.A.. Lets keep in mind that even if the city dissolve or not. We are still neighbors, friends, and residents of Polk City. the government leaders come and go, but we still remain residents of Polk City. So, even if we differ in opinions, we should not hate, use bad language, or have anger towards each other or our government leaders. May God Bless Polk City

    Honey Bee Lane

  2. While I have not attended any of the "loud" conflicts, it grieves me when I hear people being demonized for being passionate and expressing that passion loudly. If we had had no Paul Revere willing to ride through the highways of Boston YELLING a warning to it's citizens, we would be British citizens today. LOUD is NOT bad, secrecy IS and it is time the residents of Polk City be informed about WHY we pay up to 400% more for sewage usage than our fellow Polk County residents. If you are offended, use cotton in your ears...I am offended at paying outrageous utility prices because people in city hall have no compassion on those of us who are barely keeping body & soul together because our utility bills eat into any excess cash we might have for other necessities. So those who insist that we be civil to each other ask yourselves this it more civil to be loud and passionate when you see the mis-management of our city or more civil to willingly financially molest the citizens you are suppose to serve quietly?
    God bless our bold citizens in Polk City! Texas
