Friday, March 4, 2011

PG Environmental Consulting Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services

At the February 22nd, 2011, Polk City Council Meeting, Mr. Gerald Hartman, from GAI Consultants, informed City Council that in the process of their Utility Study, they found that monitoring wells for the city utilities were not being maintained properly.  In addition to providing this service, "Polk City has the need to have minor permit revision for the wastewater treatment facilities, prepare supporting documentation for modification of the groundwater monitoring plan, relocate two monitor wells, abandon two monitor wells, and redevelop the remaining existing monitor wells."  PG Environmental Consulting had provided a Proposal for Professional Hydogeologic Services for these services which can be viewed here: PG Environmental Consulting Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services 

The cost for these services has been estimated on page 4, in Table 1, of the document, to be approximately $15,755.


  1. The citizens need to circle their wagons and fight the "minor permit modification" to relocate the monitoring well. This appears to be an attempt to skew the high nitrate readings that the City was cited for by the DEP. You can find this information in a posting in this blog. Contact Jeff Hilton @ (813) 632-7600
    to express your concerns. If this plant is allowed to become permenant, your property value will continue to further decline with little to no chance of finding a buyer if you wis to sell. Contact a legal adviser to explore your options for reverse or inverse condemnation.

  2. This permit is a stepping stone to the extention of the Cardinal Hill permit to make it a permanent Water/Sewer Treatment Plant. It is disguised as something very minor and routine. Wake Up, Citizens of Polk City!!
